Free Online Tools
A collection of useful tools to boost your productivity
Financial Calculators
Our comprehensive financial calculators help you make informed decisions. Use the Mortgage Calculator for home loan planning, SIP Calculator for mutual fund investments, and CAGR Calculator to measure investment performance.
Educational Tools
Our educational calculators help students track their academic performance. Use the CGPA Calculator to compute overall academic performance and the SGPA Calculator for semester-wise grade calculations.
Productivity Tools
Boost your productivity with our text and analysis tools. Use the Word Counter for detailed text analysis and the Age Calculator for precise age calculations and life statistics.
Image Tools
Transform your images with our Image Resizer and Compressor tools. Maintain quality while optimizing file sizes for better web performance.
Developer Tools
Boost your productivity with our developer tools. Generate QR codes, pick colors, convert units, and create strong passwords for your projects.
Document Tools
Convert various file formats to PDF with our PDF Converter tool. Perfect for creating professional documents and presentations.
Health and Fitness Tools
Monitor your health and fitness with our BMI Calculator. Get personalized insights and recommendations based on your body measurements and health goals.